Mongolia's Courage

Messrs. Diamond, Fukuyama, and Krasner are correct to question many American commentators' often unrealistic expectations for those Asian states—whether one-time Soviet republics or client states such as Mongolia—struggling to emerge from a shared history of strongmen, emperors, and Soviet-style dictatorship ("Mongolia's Next Challenge," op-ed, Sept. 25). Mongolia is a tiny, landlocked nation wedged between China and Russia, and the country is not exactly teeming with George Washingtons or Alexander Hamiltons. Despite these handicaps, Mongolia enjoys a sometimes chaotic, but fundamentally robust democracy and could stand as an example for its neighbors in Central Asia as they too make a transition towards more representative government.

Make no mistake, corruption has been a wicked force in the country and the threat of resource nationalism is very real. But on balance, those seem like much more manageable challenges than religious extremism and chronic civil and political repression. I hope these gentlemen's analysis will serve to highlight the courageous path the Mongolian people have embarked upon and encourage Mongolia's leaders to remain vigilant about their difficult path ahead in this still-delicate progress.

William Cappelletti

Ulan Bator, Mongolia


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